I started the day intending to head to the NC Mountain State Fair, but decided not to go due to the legions of people lined up for miles outside the parking lot with the same idea. Instead I decided to hit downtown Asheville for lunch due to a gift certificate to Doc Chey's.

Morning Glory vines on the front porch.

Leaving the house, good thing it's protected by Brinks...and Gracie.

Gas is still on the cheap side. Yay!

Doc Chey's Noodle House. Good food, great atmosphere.

Walking off the lunch calories downtown.

Art inside a shop downtown.

Love this sign for the Thirsty Monk. Still need to stop in the place and see what it's like.

Cool gate outside the Trinity Episcopal Church; on the way back to the car.

Nap Time.

Yeah it's bad for me, but it's so damn tasty. Besides, I went out on a random drive (where I just start driving and go whichever direction I haven't been before) and ended up near the place. It was fate, I had to eat there.

Train going by on the way home.

Yeah, odds are it's wasted money. Fun though.
Very cool pics. I like the cat in the box! How did the lottery go?
Aww, love the pic of Gracie in the box. I hope the chicken was worth the drive, it looked calorie laden but so very very tasty.
Great pics - I love how you always have pictures of the restaurant where you ate lunch. :) And the chicken looks tasty ... it's only 8:30 a.m. here but I'm craving that right now!
Nice to see you on 12 again.
Enjoyed your 12. My 12 featured a cat named Gracie too. Love Doc Chey's. We have one here in ATL also.
Such pretty morning glories - mine died in the drought.
I love that painting of the lady in the store! And I see that you've discovered my retirement plan :)
Nice 12!
Thanks for the comments everyone. For the record, the lottery ended up exactly like I expected...I gave them $2 and they didn't give me the $81 million. Such is the nature of things.
What a great day you had. Thanks for sharring it with us. BTW, Gracie is GORGEOUS!!!
Aww, cat nap in a box. Very cute! And never argue with fate taking you to places!! Especially yummy ones.
Sorry I’m late in replying! I only got my own 12 of 12 up at 1:30am yesterday!
Helen (Dogeared)
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