"12 of 12" is a cool concept developed by
Chad. On the 12th of every month you take 12 pictures to show how you spent your day. I've been meaning to do it for a couple of months now but always forget about it until the 13th. This month it just happened to be the day the family gathered to celebrate my Dad and Sister's birthdays so I already had a reason to snap some pics. (Their birthdays aren't the same day, we just consolidate and have a big gathering).
(Click pics to embiggen)
8:25am. Asheville, NC. My reminder to do "12 of 12" this month.
12:19pm. Black Mountain, NC. On I-40 East heading towards my parent's house for the birthday festivities.
1:11pm. Hickory, NC. Success! Arriving at their house.
1:12pm. Hickory, NC. I'm greeted by my niece, nephew, and mother at the front door.
1:14pm. Hickory, NC. Just in time for way too much mom-cooked food (it was all delicious, Ma).
3:11pm. Hickory, NC. My niece is going as "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast for Halloween this year and had to model the dress for me.
4:00pm. Hickory, NC. We spent most of the afternoon outside since it was a gorgeous Fall day. Here are the kids riding their bikes and big wheels.
5:24pm. Hickory, NC. It's become a family tradition to have balloons at every birthday gathering, and at some point before the day is over we go outside and release them into the sky and watch as they float away. I had the white one this time.
6:16pm. Hickory, NC. Mom's flowers are still looking pretty good. They probably only have a few more weeks before the cold weather gets them though.
6:23pm. Hickory, NC. Taken by my 4½ year old niece. She has a good eye for detail.
6:36pm. Hickory, NC. Sun's starting to set, almost time to go home.
7:17pm. Morganton, NC (or thereabouts). On I-40 West headed back home. Not a bad day at all.
Looks like we weren't the only ones enjoying beautiful weather this weekend.
I like the idea of the post-it reminder!
Great 12 of 12. Thanks for sharing!
Nice pics! And I really enjoy the gratuitous usage of the word "embiggen" :)
I think you should be cultivating that 4.5 year old photographer there! Looks like you all had a wonderful day, and welcome to 12 of 12! Hope you enjoyed it :D
WOW! Great pix. Love the Belle costume. It's not to late for me to change my costume for our annual Halloween event.
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